Ayurveda Keystone
The individual’s constitution is the keystone of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda principles state that the human body is made up of three elementary ingredients, viz., the Doshas, Dhatus; and the Malas.
For our bodies to be healthy, the trio should always maintain a dynamic equation. We suffer from ailments or our bodies start decaying whenever there is any imbalance among the aforementioned three basic elements.
The Doshas determine the physiological and the physico-chemical activities of our bodies; the Dhatus determine the formation of our cells; whereas the Malas are made up of the substances that are utilized by our bodies and also those portions of the substances that are excreted from our bodies.
The quest of Ayurveda is to restore the underlying balance of the doshas. Therefore, Ayurveda does not seek to treat the symptoms of disease. The Ayurvedic practitioner diagnoses a patient’s constitutional type and imbalances through such techniques as questioning, specialized pulse measurements, and observation of the tongue, eyes, nails, face and skin, voice quality, urine, and breath odour. The practitioner then makes specific recommendations to bring the doshas back into balance.
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