The Ayurvedic term for Psoriasis is Eka-kushtha. This condition of the human skin is characterised by a chronic malfunctioning.
Any portion of the body may be affected.
However, the vulnerable areas are the portions above the elbows and the knees.
Papulo-squamous developments appear in the affected portion of the skin.
The portion may turn silvery grey.
Flakes or papules will appear in those areas.
Acute itching is another common symptom.
Severe itching generally forces the patient to scratch those affected portions for relief. But, such rough scratching makes matters worse for the person concerned.
It may lead to the oozing out of blood and watery substances or/and even pus.
Such festering of the portions can cause a burning sensation as well.
The common cause of Psoriasis is accumulation of impurities in the blood stream.
This, added to emotional disturbances, aggravates the condition.
The patients must regularly have fresh and leafy vegetables.
Those vegetables having a bitter taste like the bitter gourd are beneficial for people suffering from psoriasis.
You should also have the bitter variety of drumsticks.
Neem flower is also recommended. It can be had in the fried form or also as a conundrum.
Don’t consume curd.
Try to minimise the amount of salt you take. Gradually reduce the quantity to the stage when you can do without salt altogether.
Totally avoid spicy and hot food items.
Since there is intense itching during Psoriasis, the patient can have relief from this sensation by rubbing Kushtha rakshasa taila in the affected portion.
Don’t scratch the affected portion with your nails. It will only lead to complicacies.
Above all, never wear synthetic or nylon fabrics especially if they clothe the affected portion(s).
In Ayurveda, there are three very potent medications. These are Chanda maruta, Guggulu tiktaka ghrita and Kushtha rakshasa taila.
Chanda maruta is prepared according to strict Ayurvedic purification processes. This complex method purifies the primary ingredients used in this medicine. It further boosts their therapeutic qualities.
The main ingredients used for the preparation of Chanda maruta are arsenic and mercury. These substances are highly toxic (even after the purification process). So the patient should have the medicine only in the prescribed dose.
The Dose: The person concerned should have 125 mg of Chanda maruta mixed with honey. This medication dose needs to be taken only on empty tummy.
Guggulu tiktaka ghrita is recommended in the initial stages as a preparatory treatment. The actual therapy follows only after the patient completes this entire dose.
Guggulu tiktaka ghrita is prepared from six items including Guggulu whose taste is rather bitter.
Guggulu tiktaka ghrita has several beneficial effects. Guggulu tiktaka ghrita produces unctuousness in the body. Regular consumption of Guggulu tiktaka ghrita ensures digestion as well as regular bowel movements. It also purifies the blood besides stimulating the liver.
The Dose : First mix one teaspoonful of Guggulu tiktaka ghrita with a cup of warm milk. The medication needs to be taken on an empty tummy twice daily.
Note : The dose should be increased slowly to six teaspoonfuls. The patient should have the increased amount of the medicated ghee twice daily. It is necessary that the patient keeps on having the ghee along with the warm milk till the abnormal signs of unctuousness disappear.
Kushtha rakshasa taila is very effective medicated oil. It is used externally over the affected as well as the surrounding portions.
This medicine gives relief against itching and scratching.
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