Ailment of the Respiratory System
This important section on the ailments afflicting the human respiratory system has been divided into the following six sub-sections.
(1) Tuberculosis;
(2) Pleurisy;
(3) Hiccups;
(4) Haemoptysis;
(5) Bronchitis; and
(6) Bronchial Asthma.
Let’s analyse each one of them in detail:
1. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is known as Rajayakshma. Tuberculosis is popularly known as TB. This ailment generally affects the lungs. However, the intestines, lymph glands and the bones can also be afflicted by TB.
Cause of Tuberculosis
TB or Tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria classified as Tubercular bacilli which is present in the human throats.
Ayurvedic Interpretation
- According to Ayurvedic principles, the bacterial genus bacillus is deemed only as the secondary factors causing of Tuberculosis. Ayurveda deems bacilli as only one of the causative agents of the ailment.
- The Ayurvedic principles pinpoint the primary cause of Tuberculosis to two factors: Vitiation of the tissue elements and imbalance of the Doshas.
- When the Doshas become simultaneously imbalanced, the tissue elements get vitiated.
- The Doshas get vitiated due to four reasons:
- Over indulgence in sexual activities;
- Too much of physical exertion;
- Suppression of natural urges; and
- Irregular food habits.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis
The symptoms of tuberculosis can be classified into two groups: the general ones and the tell tale ones. The common symptoms may or may not be indicative of TB.
The general symptoms: The general symptoms of tuberculosis are burning sensation in the palms, and feet soles; general weakness; body pain; headache; chest pain; and night sweating.
It is not necessary that just because a person is experiencing just one or even two of the general symptoms, he/she is suffering from tuberculosis. However, if these general signs persist over three-four months, the patient should immediately seek the doctor’s advice. More often than not, the persons concerned are asked to go in for clinical tests. These signs may also be indicative of other ailments. Just the night sweating syndrome is not necessarily a symptom of Tuberculosis.
The tell-tale signs: There are several tell-tale signs of a person suffering from tuberculosis. These are as follows: voice hoarseness; sputum containing blood and sudden appetite loss.
Dietary Regimen
It is of utmost necessity that the person is given nourishing diet. Hence, he/she must regularly have eggs and milk.
The patient should daily drink a glassful of goat’s or cow’s milk.
The person should also regularly have meat.
Butter and ghee prepared from cow’s milk must also be given to the patient. These two food items can be mixed with the normal diet of rice, dal or paranthas and rotis made from wheat.
The patients must regularly have dry fruits. In fact, all dry fruits are quite beneficial for the patients. The best dry fruit recommended for such persons is the dried grape. It has immense therapeutic qualities. This fruit is nourishing and also accelerates the recuperation process.
The patient should be daily given lots of fresh and green vegetables. Leafy vegetables can be had as salads. Actually, salads are very important for the curative process.
The commonly prescribed vegetables for patients suffering from tuberculosis are kunduru, patola and drumsticks.
What not to eat
Such a person should abstain from having fruits like guava, and banana;
They must also not consume sour food items like curd.
These items aggravate the Kaphas which in turn vitiates the Doshas.
Other important points
- A lively and happy environment and a positive mental state are the most important aspects to cure tuberculosis, or for that matter any other ailment.
- Inculcate the habit of thinking positively that the ailment(s) are being cured naturally.
- Stay away from situations that spur anger.
- Don’t take any form of tension – mental or physical.
- Anxiety aggravates the condition. So, brush away your blues.
- Avoid hard physical exercises and also jobs that entail too much mental pressures.
- It is also advisable to abstain from sexual activities.
- The best means to have a sound mind is by daily practising the Yogic mind control exercises.
- Regularly do the Yogic breathing (Pranayama) as well as the meditation postures.
- Go on brisk morning walks early in the morning when the environment remains less polluted.
Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurveda undertakes a two-fold process. First, intensive care is taken to boost the digestive system of the patient. Simultaneously, the Ayurvedic treatment process also commences the required treatment for tackling tuberculosis.
Let’s first examine the medications recommended for improving digestion.
Boosting Digestion
For increasing the digestive prowess, the patient is recommended Chyavana prasha and Drakshasava.
Chyavana Prasha and Drakshasava
Chyavana prasha and Drakshasava are very effective Ayurvedic medications for boosting the digestive process of the patient.
Mentionably, Chyavana prasha is also a potential drug for treating tuberculosis. In fact, Chyavana prasha is prescribed for all patients suffering from heart diseases.
One of the primary ingredients of Chyavana prasha is Amalaki.
The Dose: Two teaspoonfuls mixed with a cup of warm milk twice daily. Notably, Chyavana prasha needs to be taken on an empty tummy.
Note: When the person’s digestion process improves, the person will start feeling hungry. Then, the patient should be given an increased dose of Chyavana prasha. Chyavana prasha is a nourishing and wholesome substitute for diet as well.
Hence, the patient can be given up to 100 gram of Chyavana prasha daily.
Drakshasava is available across the counter in a liquid form.
A healthy person should also have at least 100 gram or 10 cloves of raw garlic daily. The person should have it with lunch and supper dishes. However, in the initial stages, the patient may lose appetite after consuming the cloves.
Within a week’s time, the patient will be able to have the cloves without this symptom. On the other hand, the patient will enjoy many benefits.
The Dose: The patient should have 30 ml of Drakshasava mixed with an equal quantity of water.
Ayurvedic drugs for treating Tuberculosis
The Ayurvedic medications for treating tuberculosis are Pippali, Lasuna, Naradiya mahalakshmi vilasa, and Vasa.
The botanical name for Pippali is Piper longum. It is a commonly included ingredient in many Ayurvedic medications used for treating tuberculosis. In fact, Pipali is used in Chyavana prasaha – a drug generally available across the Ayurvedic counters as a powdery item.
The Dose : One teaspoonful of Pipali should be mixed with an equal quantity of honey. The patient should have the drug thrice daily.
Lasuna is known as garlic. Lasuna is more a food than a medicine. At least 10 raw garlic cloves should be taken while one takes lunch or supper.
Preparation procedure: Boil 30 gram of raw garlic cloves in approximately half-a-litre of milk mixed with another 500 ml of filtered water. Boil the concoction till it gets reduced to one-fourth of its original quantity. Then filter the mixture using a linen piece as the scanner.
The Dose : The patient should have the medicated concoction mixed with milk twice every day.
Svarna Vasanta Malati
A main ingredient of Svarna vasanti malati is gold and also pearls. Both gold and pearls are purified according to Ayurvedic principles. After purification, gold and pearl transform into therapeutic elements.
Svarna vasanti malati is recommended for patients suffering from tuberculosis accompanied by a burning sensation as well as excessive sweating in the soles and the palms besides night sweating and fever.
Naradiya Mahalakshmi Vilasa
Naradiya mahalakshmi vilasa includes gold as one of its primary ingredients. It is especially recommended for patients suffering from cold and chronic bronchitis.
The Dose : The patient should consume 0.200 gram of Naradiya mahalakshmi vilasa mixed with honey thrice daily.
The patient is tendered juice of the Vasa leaves. This medication controls the burning sensation in soles and palms, checks cough besides aiding expectoration.
The Dose : The juice should first be mixed with a teaspoonful of honey.
The patient needs to consume 30 ml of this juice four times daily.
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