
Sapta Dhatus “The Tissue Elements”

The Sapta Dhatus (The Tissue Elements)

A body tissue is known in Ayurveda as the Dhatu. The meaning of the term Sapta is seven.

A tissue, in simple terms, is a bonding cord. It ties together the body parts and also the different parts with one another to constitute a comprehensive whole.

There are seven Dhatus – These are:

1. Rasa (or Chyle) : Includes the lymph;
2. Rakta : Encompasses blood (primarily the haemoglobin);
3. Mamsa : Includes the muscle tissues;
4. Meda : Refers to the fat tissues;
5. Asthi : Points to the bone marrow;
6. Shukra : Denotes sperms in males and ova in females.

The Mahabhutas Constitute the Sapta Dhatus

Each of the Sapta Dhatus is formed of the five Mahabhutas.

These Dhatus remain in equilibrium in the body of a healthy person. Any change in their actual correct proportion leads to various ailments.

The following list mentions just the predominant dhatu in a particular set of tissues.

Here are the instances:

The fat and muscle tissues are composed of the Prithvi Mahabhuta.

The lymph tissues are formed of the Jala Mahabhuta.

Haemoglobin (in blood) is made up of the Tejas Mahabhuta.

Bones are constituted of the Vayu Mahabhuta whereas the bone pores are built by the Akasha Mahabhuta.

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