Male menstruation generally encounters the following two dysfunctions:
1. Menorrhagia and
2. Male Sterility (impotence).
Menorrhagia is termed as Rakta pradara in Ayurvedic terminology. Menorrhagia refers to bleeding while one is experiencing the menstruation phase.
Menorrhagia symptoms are as follows:
Anaemic (blood cells may be less than normal) conditions; Breathlessness; Headache; Restlessness; Giddiness; and/or calf pain.
The patient may become too weak or debilitated if there is abnormal bleeding during menstruation;
The pain may start from the hips, or the lumbar region or the abdomen.
Menorrhagia occurs primarily due to the impairment of the hormones. During such a condition, the patient experiences excessive bleeding during menstruation. The impairment is caused due to the aggravation of Pitta.
Moreover, Menorrhagia can also be caused due to various ailments of the blood besides the uterus cancerous condition.
The patient should regularly have pomegranate, amalaki, banana, jack-fruit, grapes and lots of sugarcane juice.
Such a person can also have ghee (made from cow’s milk), cow’s milk, moong dal, wheat and rice (reserved for atleast a year).
The patient must not be given fried, spicy and hot items!
- The feet-side of the patient’s bed should be raised a bit;
- Ensure that the patient is not at all exposed to heat and the sun;
- The person must not undertake long journeys in vehicles;
- Physical rest and mental peace are the golden means for quick recovery of the patient;
- All kin of the patient should make sure that the patient is not given any mental strain or/and provoked;
- Complete rest is the golden way to enjoy relief from the condition;
- Mentionably, the patient must not undertake any physical stress;
- Never allow the patient to do any types of physical exercises.
There are four quite effective medications. These are: Mukta, Pravala, Lodhrasava, and Ashokarishta. Moreover, the patient should have pomegranate.
The patient can enjoy the optimum benefits by regularly consuming the tender leaves of pomegranate. This medication acts as a curative as well as a preventive means.
Preparation Procedure : Take seven grains of rice and seven tender leaves of pomegranate. Mix water and mix them into a paste.
The Dose : The patient should have the medication twice daily for a month.
Both Mukta and Pravala are prescribed for serious patient. Such persons experience acute attacks of this ailment.
Both the ingredients are grinded into their Pishta (powdery) forms.
The dose: The patient should consume 100 milligram of the mixed powder four times daily.
Lodhrasava as well as Ashokarishta are prepared from the barks of the trees – Lodhra and Ashoka. The barks are dried and grinded into the Pishta (powdery) form. The patient can be given either one of the powdery form or as a combination of both the powders.
Preparation Process : Mix 30 ml of the powder(s) with an equal amount of water.
The Dose : Twice daily after food.
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